Sunday, February 12, 2012

Gay Marriage

"Never be bullied in silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; Define yourself."
I am in still in awe how much time people spend hating one another, when they could just accept each other's differences and actually do something productive with their lives. The hate directed towards gays, lesbians, and transgenders is absolutely cruel in my mind. Nobody has the right to restrict the entitlement to love. Nobody. 

Let me tell you a story:
My dad's cousin is gay, and has a lovely partner in his life. A few summers ago, when gay marriage was legal temporarily in California, they finally got married after so many years of waiting. To be honest, it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. They may have been hated for their sexuality, but they were able to overcome the hate and continue to take the high road together. In my opinion, this takes a lot of courage. 

Why do people hate homosexuals? 
In my opinion, it is a combination of upbringing and fear. 
Some people are homophobic because they were raised to be that way. Kids learn most of what they believe to be true and right from their parents.  For example, if a parent was a drug addict, there's a higher possibility that their chid will be one too because they weren't taught any better. The same idea can be applied to prejudice, anxiety, and even desirable qualities just as kindness and generosity. If parents plant the seed of hate towards homosexuals in a child's mind, this seed will continue to grow, and homophobia will continue to spread. 
Another reason I believe people are homophobic is out of fear. "When you're scared, especially of something you actually know nothing about, hatred is a natural reaction" - Robert ( 
I think this quote explains the fear aspect of hate pretty darn well. Most people don't know a lot about the details of a homosexual relationship. All they know is what they see on television, or read about on the internet, and to be honest, the media portrayal of gays are usually girly men and manly women...Not exactly accurate. They portray gays as abnormal on television, (excluding Glee. Thank you Glee), and sadly, most people have a tendency to believe most of what the media presents. 

In my opinion, if people spent HALF the amount of time they spend protesting gay marriage as they would trying to feed the hungry, we would make extreme progress helping the people that actually need our help, and wouldn't be infringing upon another human's right to love. 

Homosexuality may not be the norm, but still, homosexuality should not define a person. It is one miniscule aspect of their being. They are still worthy of equality.  EVERYONE deserves the right to fall in love and NOBODY should have to conceal who they are to conform to social norms. 
Remember: "What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right".  

If you would like to support gay marriage with me, please check out this video I made with my friend, comment, like, and subscribe. Thank you so much :)

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